2016-2017 Issue
2016 Alumni Notes
Texas Engineering alumni lead industries, launch companies and help develop solutions that improve lives around the world.
We Built What?
One of the most important mechanisms aboard the USS Gerald R. Ford was developed by engineers at UT Austin.
Research Visualized
Awe-inspiring experiments, tiny devices and otherworldly materials are just a few of the fascinating things on display in Texas Engineering Laboratories.
A Community-Wide Commitment
The ambitious “Challenge for McKetta" fundraising effort was completed in spring 2016.
Starting from Scratch
Dr. Clay Johnston, dean of the Dell Medical School, gives his perspective on health challenges facing society and the role engineers play in improving health care.
What Makes a City Smart?
The smart cities movement has gained momentum, pushed forward by political leaders, scientists, engineers and residents of cities themselves.
Extreme Measures: 5 Questions with Lydia Contreras
Lydia Contreras discusses how her work on cellular engineering could affect human health.
Reimagining the Engineering Student Experience
We are creating an educational culture centered on student projects.
Engineering and the Brain
Teams of faculty and students are focusing on the brain — drawing on their problem-solving skills and creating new technologies to tackle, among others, four of the most common life-threatening brain conditions.
Defined by Service
Service has become a common theme for alumnus Josh Aldred, who has dedicated his life to helping others.
Risking it All, and Reaping the Rewards
Janet Lowe, alumna and engineer-turned-entrepreneur, gives insight into the realities of entrepreneurship and the keys to her success.
Welcome to the Inoversity of Texas
Bob Metcalfe is aiming to create a university focused on identifying research and ideas that can be commercialized.
2016 Unsung Heroes
We already know that Texas Engineering faculty and students are changing the world, but behind the scenes, staff and administrators are the ones keeping things running smoothly.
Designed for Learning
The Datum Engineers Design Studio features a virtual design lab, studio space and a collaboration center.
The Making of the Energy University
Texas' robust natural resources have undeniably helped launch UT Austin as one of the nation’s premier institutions in energy education, research and innovation.
It’s All in the Delivery
John Ekerdt, Associate Dean for Research, explains why communication is so critical to engineers and offers tips to craft an elevator pitch.
Reinvesting in Future Engineering Leaders
Ernest Cockrell Jr. greatly valued his education at UT Austin and believed that great institutions of higher education are built on dedicated faculty and talented students.