Texas Engineering student in lab coat sitting in lab

Life Hacks

Every day, hacks are all around us, just waiting to be taken advantage of. Our Texas Engineers use their skills to change the world, but it turns out engineering principles come in handy in daily life as well. Every day, hacks are all around us,…

Mix of logos from companies founded by Cockrell engineers

Engineering Entrepreneurs

At the Cockrell School, our engineers tackle the world’s most pressing challenges, and that means turning research into real-world products and building companies to disrupt industries. The Cockrell School has graduated thousands of students who…

Texas Engineer Tim Crain at flight control panel

Making a Moon Mission

For the first time in over 50 years, an American spacecraft has landed on the Moon. Overnight, the lunar lander Odysseus—called Odie for short—became a household name. Just hours away from landing on the moon, Odie experienced a cabling issue on one…

GIF of Texas Engineer Edith Clarke

Edith Clarke, a Woman of Many Firsts

By the time Edith Clarke joined The University of Texas, becoming the first female electrical engineering professor in the U.S., she had already achieved legendary status among her peers: a master’s degree from MIT, the first female electrical…

Graphic of oil spill cycle

Top 5 Research Breakthroughs

It’s been a busy year of research innovation in our Texas Engineering community. In the Cockrell School, researchers identify the biggest problems facing our society and take unique approaches to solve them. A common theme among innovations so far…

Man speaking at podium with projector screen that says

2023 This Year So Far

Another year is off and running and the Cockrell School is buzzing. Faculty and student researchers have been hard at work confronting big problems, alumni are making a difference and the world is taking notice. Read on for just some of the many…

Texas Engineering students sitting at tables in Texas Inventionworks lab

Day in the Life

The activity never stops at the Cockrell School of Engineering from dawn to dusk – and beyond. Here’s a slice of what an average day looks like on the engineering campus on the Forty Acres.

Texas Engineer John Goodenough with 100th birthday cake

2022 This Year So Far

New partnerships, major accolades and exciting research breakthroughs were part of a litany of Texas Engineering highlights.

Art on the Engineering Campus

Art and engineering may seem like two vastly different fields, but they are more closely connected than one might think. At their core, both art and engineering are about problem-solving, creativity and innovation.

Logos of several companies like PepsiCo and SpaceX

Internship SZN

Summer is a time for rest, relaxation and growth. For Cockrell School of Engineering students, it’s also a time to get their feet wet working for large companies, government entities and other organizations.