Luz Vargas

Luz in Translation

In the high-altitude villages of Peru, where the air is thin and the mountains stand as silent sentinels, a quiet battle is underway. It’s a fight not for land or resources, but for the survival of a language — one that has echoed through the region…

Polaroids of Longhorns from early days

We Met

We asked our Texas Engineering student and alumni communities how they met their bestie or significant other during their time at the Cockrell School. Grab some snacks, a bottle of wine and maybe even a few tissues as you read these stories filled…

Big Texas Energy

Twenty-five years from now, nearly 10 billion humans will populate the earth. Their houses, offices, factories, cars, trains, planes, and other modern-day infrastructure and transportation will require as much as 57 percent more energy than today.…

Roger Bonnecaze with Hook em

Message from the Dean

Welcome to another year of Texas Engineer magazine. As dean, it’s been a privilege to watch everything our courageous engineers have done in the last year. I’m so proud of our students, faculty, staff and alumni working hard to solve the world’s…